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Those born in September have the Sun in either Virgo or Libra. The Sun enters Aquarius tropically January 20 to February 18.

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Q: If your born in September what Aquarius are you?
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When are Aquarius born?

Aquarius are born in the month of February, the second month of the year.

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You were born on January 22 does that mean you are not fully Aquarius?

Though born under the sign of Aquarius, a person born on January 22 is said to be an "Aquarius born on the Cusp of Capricorn". This means that this individual will display many of the traits of Capricorn as well as those of Aquarius. However, the shortened version is that they are an Aquarius. but are they more Aquarius than Capricorn?

Was Mozart born an Aquarius?

Yes he was born on January 27th, this would make him an aquarius..

What sign is a person born on February 13?

aquarius Born between January 20-February 18, The Ruler is Uranus, The Symbol is "The Water Bearer" , The Element is Air, and Aquarius is often thought of as a humanitarian sign.

What is Harry Styles' star sign?

It's aquarius! :) He's born on 1st February, 1994

What is the zodiac sign for February 9?

If you were born on February 9th then your horoscope is Aquarius.

What astrology sign is someone born January 23?

If you were born on the 23rd of January you are an Aquarius in the Western Zodiac. In the Amerind Earth magic zodiac you are Otter. As the Chinese zodiac is determined by the year of your birth, and you have not provided it, it is not possible to give you that information.

What is the star sign for February 14th?

Born on February 14th, one would be born under the sign of Aquarius.

What is your zodiac sign if your were born February 1?

The Zodiac sign for February 1 is Aquarius. Aquariuses are people born between January 20 and February 18.