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Simply wishing for something will not make it happen.

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Q: If you wish on your birthday will it come true?
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How do you make a birthday wish come true?

It is possible to make a birthday wish come true. You need these things: Your birthday Pen Paper Flower Plant Write your birthday wish on a peice of paper. put the paper under the flower plant, and wait for your wish to come true. Credit 2 original

Can a birthday wish for love come true?

This question is hard to answer, it is a personal opinion on whether wishes can come true or not. The answer is not factual merely opinion. In my opinion a birthday wish for love cannot come true due to personal experience that birthday wishes do not come true.

When its your birthday if make you a wish is your wish is going to be true yes or no?

Theoreticly you have 12 hours until you can tell people, and it will come true. as said by most horoscopial masters.

Do you blow out your birthday candles then make a wish?

You make your wish first, then blow out the candles. If you blow out the candles in one breath then your wish is supposed to come true.

Can birthday wishes come true?

Well, honey, I hate to burst your bubble, but blowing out candles and making a wish won't magically make your dreams come true. Birthday wishes are more about hope and positivity than actual wish-granting fairies. So, keep on wishing, but also put in the hard work to make those dreams a reality.

How do you make your wish come real.?

There has been two ways that have been told on how to make a wish come true. I have always heard either wish upon a star or when you blow out your birthday candles. I have also always been told to never tell anyone what you have wish for if you do then it will not come true.

How do you make a wish without wishing on a star and for it to come true?

Wishes do not come true. However, I shall entertain this rather silly request. Try birthday candles.

How can you create a wish?

Blow all the candles out on your birthday cake in one go and you can make a wish....but don't tell anyone or it won't come true!

What is the duration of Wish Come True?

The duration of Wish Come True is -2700.0 seconds.

When was Wish Come True created?

Wish Come True was created on 2010-06-20.

Is it true if you make a wish on a shooting star it will come true?

the is 63.7% chance your wish will come true if you have faith and truly believe in in your wish and you wish with all your heart then your wish will come true its has happen to a lot of people before! so believe in it and it will happen:)

Where did Birthday wishes come from?

They come from the people that wish for them.