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it depends why do u need magical powers..If its for myself only ill ask for shape shifting power,banishing(evil,black magic,hex,curse,pain,neg energy etc)power,knowledge sucking power(u can store any information from book,people,place by touching it!)..

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Q: If you have given 3 magic powers what are they?
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A make believe creature who does not exist. In fictional stories a woman or man given magical power by the devil is considered a black magic witch.

How can you get magic powers for real?

Through meditation and practice, and by learning from the basics of a magical system you can get Magic powers. But the real magic powers are different from what you see on movies and TV. Magic is simply the manipulation of naturally occurring powers by the hand and will of a practitioner. As stated above, meditation, practice as well as research into the correct manner and ethical use of these powers are essential to learning their control.

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NO , magic is not real unless u belive in it and wands dont have magic