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yes no doubt about it. they are almost as smart as us. they ARE smarter than us when it comes to survival. they're as strong as a pack of gorrilas and almost as smart as us. any bear would shiver at the sight of a sasquatch. many reports of fully grown grizzlies fleeing at the sight or smell of 1. 1 story was in washington. he was hunting down by a creek, when a fully grown grizzly bear was going to attack. stood up and roared at him but slumped back down as soon as the man and the bear semotaniesly (sorry for spelling) smelled a strong, musty/sulfur smell. the bear SPRINTED back into the woods. the man turned around, he saw a 10 foot bigfoot, it then walked into the forest to dissapear. another was a polar bear body found dead in the forests in Siberia. a man said he saw a bear and a bigfoot at the same time, but ran off before anything happened. a few hours later, him, and a group of hunters and police came back and found the bear laying dead. its face was mush, and a tree next to it was broken down. its believed that the bigfoot smashed its head against the tree until it broke and killed the bear. how do you think they've stayed uknown for so long? they blend in with the forest perfectly, they are masters of sneeking and hiding, and they HATE artificial light. many say they would have been caught by now if the camera traps were out there. but thats the biggest mistake. if you notice, even most normal dumb animals like wolfs, dears, and bears avoid the cameras because they sense the heat and electronic signals vibrating off the technology. when ever they do get close though, they look straight at the camera's. so a bigfoot who wants to stay hidden from society, and is almost as smart as humans, can sense the electro magnetism. thats why these stupid shows like monsterquest and finding bigfoot wont EVER find anything. the minute someone has anything that gives off energy waves, its outta there. and most of the people on those shows are dumber than a second-coat of paint anyway. sasquatch could probably beat "bobo" in an english/math test lol.

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Q: If they're real Can a bigfoot take on a fully grown grizzly bear or polar?
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