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No, it is not true. Dreams do not determine nor predict human behavior. Long before the dream occurred, you probably had some suspicions about your bf's behavior. It may be that you had been in denial for some time, ignoring signs of his unfaithfulness. The dream merely brought the obvious signals to your attention.

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Q: I have had dreams about my bf cheating on me and then found out he did I was told that if you have a dream about you cheating or your partner cheating one of you is bound to cheat Is that true?
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Why would you want to cheat on your partner? Unless he is abusive or cheating on you, if he is loyal and loving there is no point.

Is cheating on your partner a symptom of ADD?

With having ADD, your chances of cheating on your partner do increase slightly.ALong with that, though, I do have to say that cheating is not something that can be blamed on ADD. Your ADD does not make you cheat, you choose to cheat. Therefor, yes, ADD does slightly impact the chances of you cheating. But it's not the total reason, or is it something that you should blame your cheating on.

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No unless partner is willing to but dont cheat

Which states is it illegal to cheat on your wife?

Threre is no written rule that cheating is illegal or not, but come to think of the consequences when u cheat. whether your partner will lost you or its you that will lost him/her for sure... Cheating is a choice, not an option.

How can you tell you boyfriend is cheating?

Ask him what he thinks of people who cheat on there partner and well you will no bye the way he ansers you

Is it only cheating if you get caught?

Cheating is cheating whether you get caught or not. People who cheat are immature; selfish; have no backbone; use the partner they are with and have no respect for their feelings; wants it all their own way no matter what the cost to their mate and to the girl they are cheating with.

Why are people cheating on each other?

People cheat as they are not satisfied with one person. They love to move with other people.

If you could cheat and get away with it would you?

No. Cheating is selfish; hurtful and deceitful. If you love someone you do not cheat on them. If you fall out of love then one should have the guts to face their partner and tell them to their face.

Women think of cheating women?

Women who cheat on their man have some serious issues. Most women cheat because they are bored or unhappy in their relationship. If you are not happy in your realtionship you need to move on. Or you can sit down and talk to partner about why you are not happy. Cheating is never the answer.

In the sims 3 how can you cheat on your spouse without them noticing like just flirting?

The flirting / cheating has to be done when you are out in the town or when your partner is at work.

How do you break up in sims 2 fast?

have your one of sims cheat on the other in front of their "current" partner. flirts count as cheating.

How do you cheat on your partner?

Cheating is not a game nor a new way of life and it's cheap; irresponsible; selfish; disloyal and hurtful to the other person. There is no need to cheat if you do not love that person enough to remain loyal to them and the answer is to break up with them single or married and be mature about it. If you think you are going to get away with keeping your partner and cheating think again, because almost all cheaters eventually get caught. Most cheaters regret cheating once caught and it is to late to save what the cheater has lost ... their partner!