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Generally, the pull would be too hard to resist. And also, if the person is not your regular type, that's a general give away. If you think you have been put under a love spell, you can cast it off with a spell of your own.

You'll need a mirror and a black candle.

Make sure you cast a circle.

Light the candle and position the mirror so that you can only see your head and the flame in it. Then say:

Powers that be, hear my plea,

Reverse this spell that was cast on me.

Chant this over and over, starting at a whisper and gradually growing louder. Try to feel the power of the spell (It should feel like an excited buzz inside your chest, right at your core, or at least that's what it feels like for me. Everyone might have different experiences.) and after a while the power should have made you feel a little giddy. Don't worry this is normal and it means you have built up enough power to cast the spell.

Now envision yourself glowing. This is a protective shield and imagine that any negative energy is bouncing right off it.

When you feel ready say:

I call upon the elements,

To bring to me the power to see,

For without my will and knowledge,

I feel a spell has been cast on me.

Earth water wind and fire,

You and I are one and the same.

join with me your power now,

And send this spell from whence it came.

Repeat this until you feel like all the energy has dissipated.

Finally, and most importantly, say:

Now I am free,

So it shall be,

My will be done,

An' it harm no-one.

Blow out the candle and close the circle.

If you're new to magic, it would be best to go and eat something to ground yourself. First times can be the most giddying.


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