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Q: How would you describe Jocasta's view of prophets and prophecies?
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What was the tanakh written for?

The prophets were moved by Divine inspiration to put their prophecies into writing. These would serve as permanent instruction and as portents.

Why would God deceive the prophets?

A:Whether God deceived the prophets is a matter of biblical interpretation. If we interpret their writings as prophecies of events that never came to pass, then he deceived them. On the other hand, if we read their writings in their most straight-forward meanings as debates and warnings about social and political events of their own time, then God never misled those prophets.

What is the difference between the major prophets and the minor prophets?

The difference between a major prophet and a minor prophet is the length of the prophecies. For instance Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel had lengthily prophecies, whereas Hosea, Amos, Joel ETC had shorter books. The content in all the prophecies were/are important but some are longer and more involved.

What would the neighbors say if kino's prophecies came to pass?

The neighbors would likely react with shock and awe if Kino's prophecies were to come true. They might seek Kino's guidance or view them with fear and superstition, depending on the nature of the prophecies and their impact on the community.

How do you describe Jesus as the Messiah King of the Bible?

The requirements that the credentials would have to match were set out in many Bible prophecies written centuries beforehand. They foretold in minute detail the manner of the Messiah's coming, the nature of his ministry, his suffering at the hands of others, and the type of death he would experience. You may be interested in knowing that those reliable prophecies also foretold his resurrection, his exaltation to the right hand of God, and finally the blessings his future Kingdom rule would bring. In this way, Bible prophecies provided a unique pattern that might be likened to a fingerprint, which can identify only one person. Jesus Christ

Does the bible say that there will be no more Profits on earth?

The Bible does not explicitly state that there will be no more Prophets on earth. However, some Christian interpretations suggest that the ultimate revelation was given through Jesus Christ, and therefore no new prophets are needed.

Why would Odysseus continue despite the grim prophecies?

Despite of the grim prophecies; Odysseus continued because he wanted to come back to Ithaca to see his family.

How did Macbeth respond to the prophecies?

Macbeth's first reaction is to dismiss the prophecies out of hand, as would any sane person. However, the grain of truth, and his own ambition, are what lead him to wonder, though not necessarily believe, the prophecies to be true. It can be argued that it is not his reaction to the prophecies which is important, but that of his wife. Lady Macbeth, who does not hesitate to believe the prophecies, is the one to spur her husband into the actions that follow, and lead to his eventual downfall.

What are the definitions and explanations of Bible prophecy?

The term prophecy is often used to refer to a prediction of future events. It can also mean any message from God. The role of the Old Testament prophets was to proclaim God's message to His people. Many of these messages included predictions of the judgment that would fall upon God's people or the surrounding nations because of their sins. The prophets also foretold the coming of a future Messiah who would save His people. Christians see Jesus as the fulfillment of those prophecies.

What is name of all probhets?

I can't tell you all of the prophets because prophets depend on what religion you are from. If you want to know what prophets are in your religion I would check somewhere else.

What are Christianity prophets?

Christianity prophets are people who claim they can speak to God. Examples would be Moses, Jesus, and Noah.

Did cassandra's prophecies come true?

Some of Cassandra's prophecies did come true, such as the fall of Troy. However, she was cursed so that no one would believe her predictions, which ultimately led to her tragic demise.