

Best Answer

The notion that "He helped plan it" is false.

He was the President of the US when that event happened, nothing more and nothing less.


Conspiracy theories say that the American Government did the attacks on themselves to harbour fear in America as an effective way to rule America.

Answer (psc9300)George Bush was responsible for the 9-11 tragedy because he made this so that he will have enough reason to attack Iraq-----so that he can get their oil. Simple.


Like buying it wouldn't have been cheaper. Yeah, I really think he was stupid enough to destroy his name in history, make the animals in the Middle East look successful, and kill 3,000 innocents. Suuure he did. Pay no attention to Bin Ladin's confession!


By "associated" I assume that you mean to ask, how did he have a part in the Twin Tower attack? I may be wrong in my assumption.

Because George W Bush lied to the U.S. legislature and the American people in his 2003 State of Union address where he claimed that Iraq had ties to terrorism and that Iraq had tried to purchase Yellow-Cake Uranium from a Nigerian and that he used this as reason to invade Iraq, it is not hard to believe conspiracy theories that allege he was somehow behind the attacks on the WTC complex. The Iraq invasion has killed over 400 US Soldiers and it was based on his lies. So, it's not out of the realm of possibility that he could kill 300 civilians, too.

Historically, national leaders have killed many of their citizens (Stalin, Hitler are recent examples, but there are dozens of examples). Even the US government has exposed its citizens to disease and radiation for the sake of the it's defense. Game Theory analysis done during the cold war supported the idea that the US government should protect it's weapons over it's citizens!

I believe, as do many Americans, that the Bush-Cheney administration at a minimum, allowed the terrorist attacks to occur in order to have a "slam-dunk" case for war in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as to have reason to increase presidential power and validate the Bush Doctrine which was the extension of the Carter Doctrine developed by Z. Brezinski, in 1979.

Also, I believe that it's highly likely that the WTC towers were demolished in a controlled demolition. Tower #7 Clearly explodes and is demolished consistent with a controlled demolition. It collapses in free fall speed as did WTC 1 and 2, but it did not have the severe damage from plane crashes. The speed at which the towers collapse, the extremely hot temperatures on the site (3-400 degrees, where jet fuel would burn only at 4-700 degrees), the pulverization of concrete and steel, the lateral ejection of tons of steel outward into other buildings, the squib explosions which precede the collapsing building from above, the pyroclastic smoke cloud, the dozens of reports of explosions before and after the plane crashes, and the violation of the laws of conservation of momentum all are clear and convincing evidence of explosive materials set up in the buildings and detonated.

There does not have to be a connection between the Bush Administration allowing terrorist attacks to occur and the WTC buildings being wired to explode. For example, the owners of the buildings might have paid heed to the 56 documented warnings that there were going to be terrorist attacks, probably against the WTC, and then wired the buildings with explosives to be detonated when that attack occurred. The owner of the WTC buildings did receive about 7 billion dollars of insurance reimbursement after the attacks, much more than he paid for the buildings in July of 2001.

There will probably always remain unanswered questions about the events of 9/11/2001 as well as 7/7/7 in London, and 3/11/3 (911 days after 9/11).

As long as the Obama administration allows the Bush administration to go free after admitting war crimes (waterboarding) and lying to the legislatures about Iraq and WMDs, and as long as the official history makers are also the lapdogs of the government, then no one will ever know. However, just as we look back at the scandals in Rome and Greece, albeit 1000 years later, the truth does come out and in hindsight appears so obvious. Governments are capable of any sort of atrocity and the US government, our government, is no exception. It can be argued, that the US government has the most power, means, and motive to commit atrocities.


Whether George Bush lied or simply passed on, in good faith, things he had been told were true, may never be known. It is absolutely clear that Saddam was trying, on an almost daily basis, to shoot down American aircraft, in and of itself an act of war, and more than sufficient in and of itself to justify what was done. It is a mark against the American people that any more justification than this had to be made.

While the USG has from time to time allowed some of its civilians to be put at risk, it seems clear that this was done without notifying the highest levels of government, the very levels now being said to have cost the lives of 3,000 people, under circumstances that might well have killed tens of thousands. This does not have the ring of truth in it.

There is not the slightest shred of evidence of a controlled demolition at any of the buildings. No sign of the months of work, wall demolition (to get at the skeleton), no sign of the rapid, very loud, and rhythmic explosions it would take. The only explosion-types sounds are without pattern, and are consistent with things in the building cooking off (Transformers, etc). The people claiming the explosions were before the impact, were in no position to know, being in the basement! Some guy claims he has samples of "nanothermate" but there is no chain of evidence leading back to the Towers debris.

Building 7 was hit, not by aircraft, but by many tons of concrete falling hundreds of feet, tearing out many floors of the building, and starting large fires spewing smoke out of almost the entire south side. Footage taken proves it did not take *less* than 14.27 seconds to collapse, and undoubtedly more. It did *not* explode, or it was done by silent explosives that make no flash! The footage was taken from a vantage point from which not all of the collapse could be seen. I'd estimate maybe 14 seconds plus about 4 more. The Towers were seismically monitored to take more than 15 seconds to collapse. Probably around 20 seconds as the seismic record would begin with the first debris striking the ground, about 9 seconds after collapse had begun. This is, in both the case of the Towers and WTC 7, much longer than "free fall" speed. And while we are at it, let us dispose of the foolish notion that any of the buildings "fell in their own footprint". The Towers spewed debris in all direction, as could be clearly seen. 7 tipped as it fell, falling well out of its footprint. The temperature is the temperature. A building full of jet fuel and plastic and no telling what else, is likely to burn quite hot. Remember, the fire alone did not bring the towers or 7 down. It was fire and massive impact, doing undetermined levels of damage to the skeletons of all three buildings. As far as the pulverization of "concrete and steel". I saw no signs of pulverized steel. Bent, yes. And if you drop well over a hundred 4" slabs of concrete mixed with drywall, more than 1000 feet, I guarantee you will have plenty of concrete and drywall dust. There will be plenty of debris thrown in all directions. There were no squib explosions, unless someone has invented an explosive that doesn't make a "boom" sound. What was seen was clearly and obviously debris being pushed out by the collapsing floors. Picture stepping on a balloon full of talcum powder, it shoots out quite well, doesn't it? There was no "pyroclastic cloud", as there is no such thing except in the case of volcanoes, none of which are known to exist in midtown Manhatten. Pyroclastic clouds are produced by nothing except volcanoes, it is part of the definition. Granted that definition does have a tendency to get edited before it gets posted on 911 Truthducker sites! And there are no known violations of any of the laws of physics involved whatsoever. Also by definition.

The government knew that AQ wanted to do terrorist attacks, and that one possible attack would be to hijack a plane and use it as a missile. But this is not actionable evidence... what do you do, shut down all flight forever? The specifics needed to shut down the operation simply did not fall into our hands. The failure of George Bush to be psychic, especially since no one actually is psychic, does not mean he "let it happen". There is no evidence whatsoever of explosive planting, and if you look up the numbers (they're on the Net) losing the buildings was far from a pot of gold at the end of anyone's rainbow. They have to pay for rebuilding a suitable replacement out of that money.

Some may consider waterboarding a terrorist to be a crime. However, it is only done, to my knowledge, to those who don't talk without it. In other words, it only gets done to volunteers. If waterboarding a thousand terrorist scum means one American soldier comes back safe and alive, hand me the hose.

Governments are capable of atrocities. So is Al Queda. This one was theirs, by all the real evidence.

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