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i believe that aliens exist because if you think about it scientist, astronomers, astronauts have found life on different planets but haven't identified them yet however we can't call them humans or insects or animals because these are already identified so scientist have called the 'aliens' but haven't yet identified them

Ryan92394 says:

Aliens, in my opinion, do exist. Think of this, All living things where created from two base elements, Hydrogen and Helium. Stars fuse elements together to form up to Iron, this includes all the iron in your body. To get all the heavier elements you have to have a super nova explosion. Super nova explosions are the driving force behind all life on earth. In our solar system there are 8 planets and many planetesimals. In our Galaxy there are around 400 billion stars. If some stars had one planet, others had two and so on, there makes probably around 700-900 billion planets in our Galaxy alone. For our version of life to form you need some basic things, water, oxygen, a thick atmosphere, a rotating planet with a dense metal and rock core, and a Jovian sized planet to allow for local trash clean up. This is a lot of factors and dividing just these factors out of 800 billion you probably around 120-160 billion planets in our galaxy alone that *could* sustain some form of life. Further, for life to form there has to be liquid water either above or below the surface, seeing as our planet is one of eight planets to have water at the surface, well divide this 140 billion by a further eight this gives us around 17.5 billion planets in our galaxy alone that could harbor life. Assuming that all the previous requirements are met, and the planet that could harbor life is not demolished by the age of bombardment well divide our 17.5 by a further 10 to allow for any catastrophes that can happen including, nearby supernovas, asteroid impacts etc. This gives us 1.75 billion planets out of around 800 billion planets that could sustain life and has survived the age of bombardment. After all of this has happened, only the planets that are close enough to the sun, and hasn't been demolished by an inward migrating Jovian planet we reduce our number by a further fourth to account for proper location and avoids demolishment, we achieve the number 437 million.

This number is probably close to the actual number of planets that hold some form of life within our galaxy alone. These some 400 million plus planets are capable of sustaining life at the cellular level, other factors need to be included such as surface temperature above the ocean, wether or not evolution is aloud to continue, wether or not mass extinctions occur without wiping out the entire planets population, many factors indeed. Id say our numbers would be over 1000 different factors but lets keep it at an even 1000, this leaves us with around 437,500 different planets that could harbor intelligent life in our galaxy alone. Now think of this, there are over 100 billions galaxies in the universe. This brings our estimated amount of intelligent life harboring planets up astronomically, and our small celled organisms of life alot higher than that. Is there life beyond our planet? Yes. Its just a matter of being able to get their too see it. Not a matter of if, but when.

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An alien is defined as thus:

  1. A person, animal, plant, or other thing which is from outside the family, group, organization, or territory under consideration.
  2. A foreigner residing in a country.
  3. Any life form of extraterrestrial origin.

Everyone will believe that 1 and 2 are true. So it's only 3 that might cause an issue.

It varies, but a good figure will put the value at about 54% of people belive there is exolife but that value will decline if the "landed on Earth" is added.

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It is very possible that your gooey aliens are dead. Did you remember to feed them? Many people in the world today believe their is life outside of this planet, and many people do not believe in aliens. Either way, food is important.

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Scardox aliens do not mate. Science has never confirmed the existence of aliens as of 2014, though many people believe they are real.

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Many do not believe that life on other planets exist. No one knows for sure whether there is actually life on other planets, but it stands to reason that this is totally possible as we are proof of life living a planet. Therefore, it is not known that IF there are aliens who can visit this planet whether or not they may eat people.

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There are many UFO sightings every year. Half of all Americans believe that Earth has been visited by aliens. Almost that amount believe that aliens are spying on us right now. The others are non believers. UFOs have no known connection to aliens whatsoever. They are just things in the sky the witnesses themselves could not ID. So far no aliens have been proven to exist, either. So the best answer to the above question is "zero". The reason so many people are "non-believers" is that flying saucer buffs are "non-provers"!

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