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No one knows, and no one ever will know for sure. There are only estimates. The informed estimates range from roughly 2000 - 6000 individuals for all of North America.

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14y ago
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12y ago

the same Bigfeet have been seen in and out of a 80 year time period so 80 to 90 years old

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How many bigfoots are there in Canada?

too many

Does Bigfoot breed?

Yes they do since apparently there has been young/little/teen bigfoots sited.

Which animals are getting killed for carpets?

bigfoots bigfoots

How many types of bigfoots are there?

None so far as is known.

How tall can bigfoots get?

There have been sightings in Alaska of 12 foot bigfoots.

How many bigfoots are in new jersey?

approximetly 15 in bloomingdale NJ

When will bigfoot eat you?

There are no documented sightings of bigfoots eating people, but bigfoots can eat you.

When bigfoot eat you?

There are no documented sightings of bigfoots eating people, but bigfoots can eat you.

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What names do Bigfoots go by?

Bigfeets Sasquatch.

Can you be bigfoots?

if bigfoot takes you to his home then yes.

What is the bigfoots real name?

Frank Salu.