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Q: How fluids move across capillary membranes?
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What moves across the membranes by osmosis?

Water molecules move across membranes by osmosis, from an area of lower solute concentration to an area of higher solute concentration to achieve equilibrium. This process helps maintain proper balance of fluids inside and outside of cells.

Do proteins move by diffusion across a capillary into the surrounding tissue?

no you dum bass

Can lipid soluble substance move by diffusion across a capillary into the surrounding tissue?

sure it can

What are Passive processes that move substances across membranes?

Diffusion ,osmosis

What passive process that move substances across membranes?

Diffusion ,osmosis

How do larger molecules move across epithelial membranes in capillaries?

by exocytosis and endocytosis

What would happen to a cell if materials could not move across the cell membranes?

it will died

Why is it easier to move materials across membranes down a concentration gradient?

osmotic pressure

Are membranes selectively permeable if they allow only certain substances to move across them?


What do carrier proteins change in order to move glucose across cell membranes?

they change shape

When the osmotic pressure in a capillary exceeds the blood pressure in the capillary what is the net movement of fluid?

water and waste will move in capillary . water and waste will move in capillary .