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Any constellation is a group of stars that appear to form some kind of pattern,

but have no connection with each other. They all happen to be in roughly the

same direction from us, but they're all at different distances. So there's no

such thing as a constellation's distance from us.

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14y ago

Pisces is a constellation and it's distance cannot be defined as every star will be different.

They will range from 24 light years to over 2,300 light years from us.

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Q: How far away is the constellation Pisces?
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Pisces is a constellation of stars. From the Earth, Van Maanen's star, at a distance of 4.3 parsecs (132.5 trillion kilometres) is the nearest part of the constellation. That is too far away for it to influence any movement on the Earth's surface.

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There is no set distance to Pisces. Pisces is not a single object but a region of the sky as seen from Earth. The stars in Pisces are at varying distances to us (and thus to the sun). The main stars of the constellation range in distance from about 14 light years to more than 300 light years.

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The constellation named after a fish is Pisces. The Pisces Constellation is in the southern sky. Its name means "the fish" in Latin.

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On September 30, 2010, Jupiter was in the constellation of Pisces.

What type of star is Pisces?

Pisces is a constellation, not a star. However, within the Pisces constellation, there are various types of stars including main sequence stars, giants, and supergiants. The specific type of star can vary within the constellation.

How many stars are there in the constellation Pisces?

There are seven stars in Pisces.

How big is the Pisces?

the Pisces Constellation is 889 square degrees

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The Pisces constellation is actually bordered by several other constellations: Triangulum Andromeda Pegasus Aquarius Cetus Aries

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