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Gemini is made up of many, many stars - each one having it's own relative distance form Earth. It only looks like Gemini from our perspective... in another solar system, you wouldn't recognize it.

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12y ago

two of Gemini's stars are bright, the biggest one of the two however is Pollux. The two brightest stars in the Gemini constellation are what some people say are the "twins" that represent the Gemini constellation :)

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there are seven stars in Pisces and none of them are very looks like a V in the sky and you can see it in october through December

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Gemini and the other constellations have all types of star.

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Castor and Pollux

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Q: How far away are the stars in the constellation Gemini?
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How far away is Gemini from earth?

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Gemini is a constellation, not a specific object in the sky.

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