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Q: How does one understand a precognitive thought?
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How many people have precognitive dreams?

Millions of people around the world experience precognitive dreams at some point(s) in their lives

Was Nostradamus a psychic?

Yes. In fact he was a precognitive.

Are pre-cognitive dreams really hallucinations?

No. "Precognitive" means fore-knowing, or knowing something ahead of time. Precognitive dreams supposedly predict the future. Hallucinations are different in that dreams occur during one's sleep, while hallucinations occur when one is awake, often when one is feverish or otherwise impaired.

Why can't I remember precognitive dreams until they happen?

Dreams are rarely precognitive. It is more likely that you are experiencing deja vu, a phenomenon that causes one to feel very strongly that one has experienced something previously, even though that is impossible. People often explain the feeling of deja vu by concluding that one must have dreamt the event before it happened. The only sure way to know that a precognitive dream occurred is to maintain a dream diary that can be referred to when one appears to have a "dream come true."

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What is your deepest thought?

I do not quite understand the question but if you mean in gereral, what is the deepest thought a human being can have. That thought would be the one around which your life revolves. For better or worse, it is your reason for living and will affect your every action and reaction.

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God does

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I use a full stop to indicate the end of a sentence. It helps the reader understand where one thought ends and another begins.

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From what I understand, it is the one in Ohio.

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Sharing an anecdote

What are the differences between Deja Vu ESP and Precognitive dreams?

Deja Vu ESP is the feeling of having experienced the present situation before, often associated with extrasensory perception. Precognitive dreams involve dreaming of future events or experiences before they happen. Both phenomena suggest a connection beyond normal perception, but Deja Vu ESP occurs in waking moments while precognitive dreams happen during sleep.

What is a meaningfull question?

a mindfully question that has a complete thought that can be understand easily