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By the process of diffusion.

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By the process of diffusion.

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Q: How does blood flow from capillary to venule?
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What is the difference between arteriole and venule blood flow?

An arteriole transports oxygenated blood from the arteries to the capillary beds and a venule transports de-oxygenated blood from the capillary beds to the veins.

What structure within a capillary bed shunts blood from arteriole to venule?

Artery -> Arteriole -> Capillary -> Venule -> Vein

What are the blood vessels that drain blood directly from the capillary beds?


Blood leaves the capillary thorugh a tube called a?

Blood leaves a capillary through a venule, a small vein. At that point, the blood is making its journey back towards the heart.

The flow of blood from an arteriole to a venule is called what?


What kind of vessel gives blood to a capillary?

Either a arteriole on the artery side or a venule on the vein side of the bed.

Which one of the following sets of structures correctly lists the sequence of blood flow in the human body?

The correct sequence of blood flow in the human body is: heart -> arteries -> arterioles -> capillaries -> venules -> veins -> heart.

What is the Medical term meaning tubes that carry the blood?

It's called blood vessel. it can be of following type viz Artery, Vein, Arteriole, Venule, Capillary.

What type of vessel does a capillary receive blood?

Capillaries send blood to both arteries and veins.

How does blood flow from the heart through the blood vessels?

artery- vein- capillary

How does blood flow from the heart through the blood vessel?

artery- vein- capillary

How does arterial blood differ form capillary blood?

capillary blood has a really bad smell to it and arerial blood its bright red and is a heavy flow > hope i helped lol (: