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Depending on the situation, some are easier to let go of then others. The main thing you have to realize is the more you hold on to it, the more you are going to sour your own soul and continue to stress your heart out. I think if you forgive the wrong and realize your not going to forget that is a start. Then you rise above the wrong and realize that the person that did the wrong to you wasnt using their best judgment and that we are only human and no one has the right to hurt someone but that they just do, that is another point. No one will know exactly how you feel but we can understand being hurt by someone you love or you thought loved you. People are sometimes, selfish and one sided, but not all people and you have the right to feel the way you do but you cant let it sour you forever. If you can still remain civil with this person do so, if you cant then don't have any contact with them. Lets face it an action creates a reaction and they should have thought about what they were doing to you before doing it and if they didnt know they are the one's that have to face the consequences and if that means not being in their lives anymore, then so be it. Alot of the times when we forgive and forget someone's transgressions, they, in their simple minds justify their behavior and we give them the opportunity to let their guilt go, when it should be the other way around,that they should suffer the hurt alone and we should move on like it never happened. Dont become bitter become better. Get some good books, take a trip, treat your self to something you always wanted to do. Just enjoy you and the life you can have and realize we are not defined by the people around us, we define ourselves... Good Luck.....

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You can't. Once done, the past cannot be re-written.

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