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You cannot really pull a coin out of an ear. You must carefully stick it in between your index and midle fingers, so that when your hand is palm-side up, the coin is not visible. Holding the two fingers tightly together with the coin somewhere between the top to the middle of your finger, you put your hand behind someone's ear, positioning it so that they don't see it, put into your hand, then pretend you pulled it out. They will know that is not really possible, but it is still fun to do.

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Q: How do you pull a coin out of a ear?
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u rub it into the sleeve on the hand that ur pulling out the coin and then after u sho then ur hands u flick ur rist befor u touch there ear catch the coin in the hnd and act as tho u pull it out

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Don't pull out your ear. The ear wasn't made for this. It could have unpleasant consequences. If you really want to know how far you can pull out your ear, well, as much as it lets you to pull it out.

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the answer is 2886'10"

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first,you take a knife,then cut your of,then there you go your ear.

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this is some info:to make someone relax by pinching their ear, you must pinch, pull and hold their ear lobe and tell them to take a deep breath. When puling the ear lobe, you must not pull too hard, as this can be painful.hope this helps :)

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