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When you have to check into a mental hospital.

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Q: How do you know when god is speaking through you?
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Are Mormons speaking the truth about God?

I believe that the Mormons (at least the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) are speaking the truth of God. Of course, that may just be because I am an LDS, but I still strongly know and believe that we are speaking the truth about God.

Can Catholics intercede with God without a priest?

Certainly, Catholics are required to intercede directly with God. The priest is there as God's chosen emissary. Normally, when God is speaking directly with a person, He is speaking through some means: the Bible, the priest, the Mass, etc.

How the word of the Lord came unto Jonah the son of Amitti?

This was through God speaking to him in a dream.

How do people think that they can get to know god?

They can. But never completely, and the only reason they do know God a little, is because God reveals Himself to them: through the Bible and through prayer!

When the Bible says that we are to know God what context is it being used in is it speaking of your heart or your head?

Both, you are to know mentally the the power and glory of our lord God and also truthfully know and believe it in your heart.

Who told people about Judaism?

God at Mt. sinai. Not through Moses, but God himself speaking to the entire Jewish populace (about 2.3 million people)

How did God speak in the Gospels?

In the Gospels, God is portrayed as speaking through Jesus, who taught and performed miracles to demonstrate God's power and love. Jesus used parables and direct statements to convey God's message of love, forgiveness, and salvation to the people.

Can God show you who you'll marry through revalations or others?

Some people believe that God works through revelations, and could show someone who you were going to marry. Scientifically speaking, this has not been proven.

Did God talk to Noah through a dream?

In the Bible, God spoke to Noah directly, not through a dream. God communicated His instructions for building the ark and saving Noah's family from the impending flood by speaking to Noah directly.

Did God really live?

He does! And you can know for yourself through prayer.

How were Adam and Eve able to talk with God unless they knew His language?

Adam and Eve were the only two humans on the face of the earth when they talked to God in the Garden of Eden. We do not know what language they spoke - some believe it was Hebrew - , but for God to speak to them and they to Him would have been a simple thing. To day God speaks to people all over the face of the earth and God knows every language that is spoken and the person's hearing God hear Him. God primarily speaks to Christians through the written word of God and by the Holy Spirit speaking to our spirit. Language is not the problem. The problem is that we do not listen when God is speaking to us. It is something that you have to learn (to listen).

What do penicostal's believe?

speaking in tounges through the holy spirit. i know, i go to a penicostal church