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Ghosts are at night,they are black and they eat people. They are in every house in the world. The above answer is lying. Well you only see a ghost if they WANT you to see them. You know one is near if candles start flickering and/or you feel a sudden dramatic drop of temperature. I've been visited by my dogs ghost before. If you see a ghost it will be a deep shadow that you have to sqinch your eyes to see. Ghosts are also clearly visible in a camera photo or video camera. Hope tha helped:-)

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Q: How do you know if you saw a ghost?
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How do you know you saw a ghost?

ok, say that you saw a shadow figure of a man in your yard, then you look again and he's gone. He's a ghost. Sometimes ghost have a grayish color to them.

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yes. but i. dint. saw. ghost

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some people say or prove that they see ghost if it is true people see ghost but i think there are no ghost

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