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If they haunt you and make your life miserable, I'm going to guess that they're bad. If they leave you alone, I'm going to guess that they're good.

I don't believe in ghost though.

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Michelle Bray

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Michelle Bray

Lvl 2
2y ago

help me i don't no what t is but it bad

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Q: How do you know if a ghost is good or bad?
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I have a problem with this ghost who hurt me last night and i do not know if it is bad or good.?

If a ghost hurt you it is probly a bad ghost, unless the ghost was trying to protect you from something by distracting you. But if the ghost hurt you its most likely bad. But if they hurt you, like they carved something in you I think they are bad, it all depends.

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Well you could get cursed or..... be hunted some are good some can be bad so....that's all I know. :)

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In conclusion maybe each of you have a ghost sitting next to you and you don't know it. Boo.

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i think you got demons and ghost confused.Demons are always bad and never have good in them but ghosts have good in them or there just mean

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bad if you know there name good if you dont know there name