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Many people believe that they have had ghostly encounters for a variety of reasons. Whether this has actually happened or not is largely a matter of belief. There is little scientific evidence of such events and no scientific explanations of these phenomena.

So it seems reasonable to ask how to get help should such things occur? While there is no scientific understanding of these phenomena, there has been a careful study made of the anecdotal stories from people who believe they have had encounters. From these stories and studies of the people making the reports, some useful information has emerged to answer the question of "how to get help?"

One logical place to turn would seem to be the various paranormal groups. If one believes the television and internet, it seems there are several 'families' of paranormal investigators equipped and ready to help anyone in this form of distress. But is this really true? What credentials do these people really have? And are they real sources of help?

The truth is that most groups have no formal training of any kind applicable to people who are having apparent ghostly encounters. Despite what they might say in person and in their marketing, there are no real experts in this group. Most of their knowledge has been acquired by watching popular television programs, going to conferences of like-minded people and interacting with others on the Internet. There are no credible certifications today in ghost hunting or paranormal investigation. So there is no place one can truly be trained.

Some people believe that science can in some way objectively answer whether or not ghostly encounters or experiences are real. Sadly this too is not the case. There is no model today in science for a ghost. Absent such as model there is no way to scientifically or even objectively evaluate any evidence that might be presented for or against ghosts. They remain an "anomaly" to science, neither proven nor disproven. Many cynics and skeptics believe that if something is not proven, it is immediately disproven. This is inaccurate: again something neither proven nor disproven is an anomaly. Such is the case with ghosts as of now. For these same reasons, there is no technology which can detect anomalies like ghosts. While environmental changes might be noted that cannot be easily explained, this does not prove or even suggests that ghosts are necessarily present or at work. It simply means that the event cannot be explained. That is a very important concept to grasp.

Since ghost hunters and paranormal investigators are not sources of help, how about those who claim psychic or mediumistic abilities? In other words, if science can't help is it possible that metaphysics might provide assistance? This is reliance on belief and faith. In a real way it simply replaces belief in ghost hunting with belief in the supernatural. In both cases there is nothing to suggest that one system of beliefs is necessarily more reliable or practical than any other. The same can be said for religion. No religion necessarily has an edge when it comes to ghostly encounters.

Some forms of ghostly activity seem to take on a darker role, and they are often called 'negative' or even 'demonic'. Do these phenomena suggest a different sort of assistance is required? Are demonologists and exorcists the only solutions to these unique activities? The answer is likely not. There is actually some research which strongly suggests that the phenomena often categorized as 'demons', 'possession' and even 'negative entities' are more likely some currently unknown method of expressing individuals' unhappiness with their situations in life.

In fact, much of the phenomena turns out to be far more focused on those experiencing it and less likely caused by discarnate entities or spirits. If this is the case, all of the solutions suggested likely will be of limited or even no value whatsoever. So what is one to do?

Understanding yourself and your world is the best way to begin. Your perception of these phenomena are happening for a reason. Find that reason and you are closer to potentially solving the problem yourself. It might be wise to seek the help of clergy if you are religious. And especially since poltergeist phenomena seem to be traceable to living individuals, it would be a good idea to seek psychological counselling with trained professionals if objects are flying about, doors are opening and closing or anyone is being inexplicably injured in the apparently haunted environment.

Since belief is at least 90 percent of the issue, simply taking control of the environment and one's own life can go a long way to help.

In the end it is a matter of turning more to yourself and less to others and of realizing that the cause of the phenomena is within and not external which is the true source of help in these unusual circumstances.

Just look up your local paranormal society a good number of them will investigate free of charge, word to the wise ask about their methods and only hire those who mention debunking which is the most scientific and most useful technique.

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