I AM NOT 100% SURE ABOUT THIS: there are stone that you can buy at gem shops (not sure what they are called) but they are shaped like small pyramids. if you light some candles and take loads of deep breaths and have a few small bowls of water around you, concentrate really hard on who you want to talk to: the way they look smell sound etc. if you don't already know, you would by now (if you have done what i said) are surrounded by all the elements (earth-the stone, water, fire, air-breathing) the only one that isn't there - that you know of - is the spirit. the elements and your thoughts will call to the spirit, it may take some time for him/her to reach you so be patient; it may even take days. keep thinking about them and they will find you. have an open mind and even though you may not be able to see them, you might hear them (or the other way around.
"Seance" is a word that means held to communicate with spirits.
"Cleric" is a word meaning a place held to communicate with spirits.
Belief in the afterlife, but it's not that uncommon.
She is able to communicate with spirits who have died.
If you can communicate with deceased spirits, you are known as a Medium. I suggest you watch the show called Long Island Medium. It is about a woman who communicates with spirits around her.
The term 'mediumship' is described as a form of communicating with the spirits. A medium is a person who has the ability to communicate with the spirits.
A genre of songs used to communicate with spirits in rituals for healing the
Yes. Spirits consist of pure energy. In order for them to manifest or to communicate they have to draw from the energy around them.
When you first begin using a ouija board, it is common to ask "Are there any spirits willing to communicate", your hands should be on the Plachette and if there are spirits around, the plachette should move yes. If you desire to call spirits before hand, you can say something to effect of "Any spirits who wish to communicate, who are good and helpful, we are about to use a ouija board which you can influence to speak your message. Please join us."
Well, it depends on what type of religion they have.
There is no such thing as a "wugi board." It is possible that you meant to refer to a "Ouija board," which is a game board with letters and numbers used in attempts to communicate with spirits. However, this activity is not scientifically proven to communicate with the spirit world and is often considered a form of entertainment.