An atheist, or sometimes a secular humanist.
This is a very controversial question.There are people that believe all religion is superstition. Churches of all types call all other religions superstition as well as condemning common superstition as wellSo allowing you are a member of a religion or church in general Churches condemn and discourage superstition.
a dolley is someone that doesnt work.
an athiest
an athiest
You can call him/her, Non-Christian.
The lack of a scientific basis is one of the DEFINING CHARACTERISTICS of a superstition. If there is a scientific basis for something, it would no longer be fair to call it a superstition.
a humanitarian i believe
Same as they still believe: that there's something out there that will keep them safe or help them become powerful. Many people believe in such things; some call it magic, some call it religion, some call it superstition. It's the same mindset that leads people to be sucked in to paying lots of money towards scams that promise happiness.