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You will need:

  • 1 or more black, blue or red candles (as many as you like)
  • A sterilized needle or razor
  • A piece of clean paper, large enough to write the prayer below
  • A dry pen, where you sign your name in blood (dip the ip of the pen in your blood)

Write the following prayer:

Before the almighty and ineffable God Satan/Lucifer and in the presence of all Demons of Hell, who are the True and the Original gods, I, (state your full name) renounce any and all past allegiances. I renounce the false Judeo/Christian god Jehova, I renounce his vile and worthless son Jesus Christ, I renounce his foul, odious, and rotten holy spirit.

I proclaim Satan Lucifer as my one and only God. I promise to recognize and honor him in all things, without reservation, desiring in return, his manifold assistance in the successful completion of my endeavors.

It is important to bathe before any rituals you perform, this is done out of respect. When you are ready, you can light the candle. Take the needle, prick the index finger of your left hand, squeeze some blood out.

Sign your name in blood.

Recite the prayer either aloud or in your head

Fold the paper and let it burn in the fire of the candle. Many of us have stayed and meditated until the candle had burned itself out.

At the end of the ritual, close with the words "So mote it be." And a Big "HAIL SATAN!!"

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13y ago

Hopefully you are asking what would it be considered to worship the devil and not how one can.

There are different ways to worship a person or thing. Worship can be defined as worth ship, or placing high importance on a person or thing. Many people worship money by the importance that they place on it. That was the point of the parable that Jesus used about worshipping God and money. The object or person that consumes your time, thoughts and energy is what you are worshipping.

I think of Bob Dylan's song "Everybody has to serve somebody"/ Everyone is worshipping someone or something. The question is what or who.

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14y ago

People worship Satan by performing ceremonies/rituals and praying to Satan. It's pretty much the same as worshipping any other deity; just say "Satan" instead of, say, "The Lord."

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Teach Children to Worship Satan was created on 2000-03-27.