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There's a lot of ways you could dress emo for prom..

It would help if you have black hair, but it's okay if you don't.

Why not go ahead & add some color to your hair, though, like red highlights, or blue, or pink, neon green, or some unnatural color? That's only optional.

Wear dark makeup, like lots of eyeliner and black eyeshadow. Also wear red or hot pink lipstick.

Try to keep your hair down and straight. Tease it up bigger than usual to look more noticeable. If you don't want it straight, you can always wave it with your straightener. It should still be teased, though.

Pick out the right dress. Something poofy at the bottom, short (above or at the knees), and black, possibly sparkly, with lots of tulle will do.

Wear a cute necklace, such as one with a music note, a bat, or a butterfly.

As far as shoes go, no high heels. Wear Vans, Converse, Toms, etc.. No open-toed shoes.

Fish-net stockings would look pretty, and maybe a pair of cute wrist warmers, black ones, striped, maybe checkered.

Make sure he gets you a cute corsage.

As far as dudes, just wear a black or white tux, a bowtie or tie (any color, but neon green, purple, or red would look good, and so would a checker pattern on it would be cool).

Make sure your hair is styled as usual, with perhaps a little extra hair gel to make it look more edgy.

Wear eyeliner as well.

For shoes, wear Vans or some other type of skating shoe.

You can wear skinny jeans instead of tux pants.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

emo people dress with black cool cadenas and other cool things EMO PEOPLE DRESS UP REALLY COOL!!!!!!

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How do people dress up?

emo people dress with black cool cadenas and other cool things EMO PEOPLE DRESS UP REALLY COOL!!!!!!

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no if you dress "emo" you do not have to be suicidal

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No they just like to dress like that.

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First of all it is impossible to dress emo,you can dress goth or scene but emo is not a style.If you are asking if you are emo you are most likely a poser(a wanna be or someone who doesnt understand and thinks they do)

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You can dress up as an EMO!elephant, an evil scientist or an electrical worker.

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emo people often wear all black they wear a lot of goth clothing but not all emo people show it emo people don't all dress the same way

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Emo people often dress in dark or muted colors, skinny jeans, band t-shirts, and hair with bangs covering their eyes. This style reflects their emotional expression and unique identity, as well as aligning with the emo subculture's music and aesthetic preferences.