Allegations of witchcraft were real enough in the middle ages. In Henry VI Parts 1 and 2 two different women are accused of witchcraft, including Joan of Arc, who was indeed accused of witchcraft and burned at the stake. Shakespeare was only reflecting the truths of history.
They begin in the winter of 1692 when girls in Salem begun having epilepsy-like fits that were attributed to witchcraft.
Most of the time you were accused of being a Witch for just being if you had a different hairstyle, or if you had "weird" decretive stuff in your home...back then if you weren't the same as everybody else then you weren't human
The United Nations will investigate the allegations. If allegations of genocide are found to be true, the United Nations may send troops to stop it.
Being afflicted by Witchcraft means to be being harmed by a malevolent spell someone cast against you, your land, livestock, or something similar. Being accused of Witchcraft means that someone has either told you to your face, or has told someone else that you are a Witch and are using magic, likely for a negative purpose, despite whether or not you actually were or weren't. During the Witch Hysteria of Europe, people whose crops did not grow well were often said to be afflicted by an evil witchcraft spell. The owner of those crops then would often accuse someone they didn't like of Witchcraft and working magic to make his/her crops fail.
The proper name for witchcraft is Witchcraft with a capital "W."
no Herman is not witchcraft
will + investigate -- We will investigate the allegations at our next to + investigate -- We are going to investigatethe allegations at our next + investigating -- We are investigating the allegations next month.
If you can prove that the allegations are false, then you may have a case of defamation or slander. This is especially true where the false allegations have impacted your ability to retain employment and have damaged your standing in your local community.
Sure, kitchen witchcraft has a lot to do with food.
Do you mean 'What is the Welsh for witchcraft?' That is 'dewiniaeth'.
There is witchcraft in league of legends.