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Q: How did the Hindu concepts of Dharma Karma the Caste system and reincarnation influence the Indian literature and culture?
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Greek mythology has had influence on the culture, the arts, the literature and remains part of Western heritage and language.

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yes it does. culture defines principles, relationship to others, concepts that are precious, thus affecting what most important attributes of beauty are.

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The Ramayana and the Mahabharata are examples of Indian literature, specifically ancient Indian epic literature. They are revered texts in Hindu culture and have had a profound influence on Indian society and religious beliefs.

How culture is related to literature?

Culture influences literature by shaping the themes, characters, settings, and language used in literary works. Literature often reflects the values, beliefs, and norms of a particular culture, providing insight into the society from which it emerges. In turn, literature can also influence and shape the culture it comes from by challenging societal norms and sparking social change.

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Roman culture was affected by every civilization it conquered to one degree or other. However, the largest influence was that of the ancient Greeks. Romans looked to them for political, social, and spiritual concepts.

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The literature of this area will be based on the culture that is around it. As the culture develops, so will the literature.

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What is the relationship between oral tradition and written literature?

firstly both are types of literature, n also they both educate people, to express people's culture, to influence people in the society and lastly it is used to entertain people