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Your dreams are produced by your own mind, so they naturally are influenced by your thoughts and senses. Most dreams provide imaginative expression of your thoughts, memories and emotions. Your senses are reflected in your dreams in that you can experience sight, sound, taste, smell and touch in dreams. Your senses also sometimes register sounds, lights, smells, tastes and touches while you are sleeping, and these sensations can be experienced in whatever dream is occurring at that time.

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Dreams are products of the subconscious mind. If the conscious (aware) mind becomes partially active in the course of dreaming, elements from the real environment may intrude into the dream scenario, such as the pillow, a dog beside the bed or noises from outdoor. Some individuals are able to become actively "conscious" during a dream without disrupting the subconscious dream function, resulting in "lucid" dreams.

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Q: How can your thoughts and senses affect your dreams?
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How do dreams affect peoples lives?

thoughts and power.

If you dream about the same person everyday can the be dreaming of you?

No. Having a certain person appear in your dream every day suggests that you are thinking and day-dreaming about that person. But it means nothing about that person's dreams, thoughts or feelings. Your dreams take place within your own mind, just as your thoughts and feelings take place inside you. Your dreams do not affect anyone else's dreams, and their dreams have no affect on yours.

How do dreams affect reality?

Yes, in that the dreams may affect your actions in reality.More information:Dreams can affect reality in the sense that insights and inspiration often come to the conscious mind through dreams.

Does the person you dream about feel anything about you?

No, your dreams only express your own thoughts and feelings. Your dreams provide no information about the thoughts or feelings of the person you see in your dreams.

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good thoughts

Are your dreams trying to tell you something in your sleep?

Your dreams are the way your brain processes conscious thoughts into unconscious thoughts and symbols. There are books and information to interpret the dreams that you have to help you understand them.

Does eating pie before bed affect dreams?

Foods eaten before bed have no direct affect on dreams. Dreams are produced by the subconscious mind and reflect one's emotions, thoughts, memories and experiences. > However, certain foods cause indigestion in certain individuals. Abdominal pain, gas or any digestive discomfort can disturb one's sleep, which in turn can result in disrupted dreams.

Can a psychic control someones dreams?

No, a psychic does not have the power to control someone else's dreams. Dreams, just like thoughts, exist only within your own mind, that is inside your brain. No one can control your thoughts or dreams by magic.

What drug distorts mood thoughts and sense?

Hallucinogenic drugs such as LSD distort moods, thoughts, and senses.

If you kiss someone in your dreams would you consider that as your first kiss?

If it was in your dreams or thoughts then no, but if it happened then yes.

When a boy is in your dream does that mean you are in love?

No, dreams do not determine whether or not one is in love. Dreams reflect the thoughts and feelings of the dreamer, so if a certain person is often in one's thoughts, it is natural to dream about that person. But dreams are no guarantee that one is in love.

Who thought that dreams revealed repressed thoughts?

Sigmund Freud