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You can't - they either wish to interact with you or they don't. You can attempt to detect their presence through audio and visual recording, but even then anything you catch needs to truly be unexplainable.

For example, as an acoustic analyst and active Paranormal Investigator, I've recently been going over some EVP's and video submitted to me for analysis involving a case in another State. While some of the EVP's are extraordinary, the video "evidence" and other EVP's just aren't conclusive enough to be considered evidence.

If you suspect there is an entity in you home, you can try to provoke it to try and get a response, but keep in mind that not all human form entities are good, nor necessarily human either. Non-human entities are malevolent in nature, and can possess an pychologically unprepared individual. Human entities (spirits of those who once walked the Earth) can be good or bad based on their living personalities before they died. Remember that not everyone is good.

Having said that, malevolent human and non-human entities typically provoke or harass the occupants of a home, sometimes violently. Most human entities just wish to be left alone; those that want to communicate and interact will manifest themselves to get your attention in a good way, but probably that'll scare you anyway. Always remember though, that ghosts were once people too. Treat them as such.

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