they bite and inject their venom
an old vampire changed her.
yes in breaking dawn
vampier bat
Even if you were stupid enough to bite someone and drink their blood there is no scientific evidence that it would do anything more than provide a few calories. Vampires are a product of fiction and do not exist. i think you can become a vampier because they are like us in evry way
Yes you will turn into a vampier if one bites you.
jesse is a vampier in rell life and my babbysitters a vampier.
yes the vampier squid dose live in the pacific ocean.
Yes , when she is haveing renesmee . Edward has to bite her to make her become a vampier so belle would stay alive.
a whispering vampire is a vampire that whispers in your ear when you are asleep. then you become a whisperer vampire!A Vampier Whisperer is a vampire that whispers in your ear then dies!