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I am a scorpio, and I'm SUPER shy. Most are shy also. Work up to it. Try not to be hasty, unless someone else is planning on asking, then try to start talking to them more. They may like you too. Scorpio + Cancer = LOVES FOREVER!!! XD

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Q: How can a cancer ask a Scorpio out when shes too shy?
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How do you ask a girl out if you're unpopular and shes shy?

Have a go and if it doesn't work out, there are plenty more fish in the sea.

If she not give clear sign that she likes you?

Shes either shy or doesnt like you. Ask her out when shes alone, stop being immature and buy her random gifts.

What does it mean when a shy girl acts mean toward her crush?

it usally means that shes playin hard to get.and that she is probaly ready for him to ask her out.

Ok so shes a senior i am a junior we've known each other 3 years were both attractive we've never talked shes shy and nervous helps how can i get her to want to be with me?

just ask her out

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no shes not shy if she was shy she wouldn't have her own tv show and she wouldn't sing or act at all.....

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well if you and your girlfriend just started dating she might be shy. shes in a new relationship, or maybe her first relationship. or mayyyybeeeee, shes just not that into you....

I love this Scorpio girl but I don't know whether she has the same feelings for me are there any indications?

Well just ask her you shy guy! I bet she likes you, but if she doesn't then think of what she looks like in the morning. HAHA, but just ask it will be okay!

What do you do to ask a girl out but you are so shy?

ask her to come over ur house or if shes not your friend join a club shes in or something.

How do you know if the shy guy has a feeling to you?

Ask him. He's to shy to ask you, he's hoping you will ask him.

What the best way to get a girls number in high school. When shes older than you and you haven't known her for long AND your SHY.?

I would talk to her for a while, a length of time before to get a vibe and if its a good vibe, then ask her " Can i have your number" . If you are shy ,try to talk to her when she is alone.

Why would a shy girl who likes you look at you with a disgusted face?

idk... maybe shes upset? ask her if shes okay and if she says no ask her why.. try to be sensitive to her feelings ( IF you like her) if she says no (and you DO like her) you've started a convo! now get to know her more...

Is a shy Cancer female good?
