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That will depend entirely on where they live. In most of North America (Canada & the USA), many countries in Europe and elsewhere in the world, paganism is an accepted spiritual path, the military in both Canada & the US have standardised services that can be used by a chaplain is the absence of a qualified practitioner. There are countries and region that still persecute practitioners, imprisoning and killing some.

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Q: How are modern day witches treated?
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Is charmed a tv program?

Yes, about three witches in the modern day world.

How were witches treated in 17th century?

in the 17th century Witches where treated very poorly , they where normally accused of being a old lady in the woods with either a black cat.they would be hanged , burnt alive or they would be 'dunked' this is where they would tie them up and place them into a lake or river , if they floated they where classed a witch , but if they didn't they wouldn't be a witch , but either way , they would a die . 'Duh' .what where named 'witches' where treated Very badly and didn't deserve to be treated that way.Hope that covers a bit about witches !!

Who invented witches?

Witches have been around since man first became spiritual/religious. Modern day witches or pagans follow the same basic belief system that was first observed thousands of years ago. So witches have always been here (even before Christians, Jews, Hindus, Muslims, etc.).

What is modern witchcraft or wicca?

In a way both are modern. But Wicca is more modern overall - since it is a branch of witchcraft. To better explain - All Wiccans are Witches, but not all Witches are Wiccan. Paganism is the oldest religion involving witchcraft.

Who tells Macbeth he will one day be king?

Macbeth is told by three witches that he will one day be king. This prophecy ultimately leads Macbeth to contemplate committing regicide in order to fulfill the witches' prediction.

How were witches treated?

Witches were to be believed evil in the old days. They would usually burn a witch to the stake or just hang them.The accused "witches" were treated terrible. The people of Salem thought that if someone was a witch, the witch would do horrible things. The people also thought that they should get rid of the witches, so they would drown people who they thought was a witch and if you were you would be able to undrown yourself with your powers and it you weren't you were just led there to drown!

How were Wiccans and people accused of being Witches treated during the Reformation?

As the Reformation was in the 16th century and Wicca didn't come into existence until the early twentieth century. There were no Wiccans to be treated in any manner. As for how witches (real and just those accused of being) were treated at the time… The history books are full of references to persecution, prosecution and death.

Can men be witches?

Yes men can be witches it is just that in our modern day society witch has been associated mainly with females and men who practice the craft may often be referred to as Warlocks or Wizards,think of how we use terms like Actress and Actor.But again yes men can be witches but it has been corrupted to usually mean a women practioner of witchcraft.

What day do witches meet?

Sandwitch Sunday lol

Is it true that witches are gathering people to join the coven to go against god?

This is a rather absurd suggestion. Just because Christian churches have, over the centuries, persecuted witches does not mean that modern witches are likely to respond in kind.

How effective are witches in the modern world?

It depends on who you talk to, but witches are basically as effective as they were thousands of years ago. You have to have faith in the spell, potion, etc. and that will help it work better.

Did people still believe in witches in 1913?

Yes, i believe in witches to this very day! i bet your a witch...please dont kill me! :(