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Length is the measurement of a one-dimensional quantity. Area is the measurement of a two-dimensional quantity. Volume is the measurement of a three-dimensional quantity. A solid object that exists only temporarily can be described with four dimensions.

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Q: How are length area and volume related in terms of the 3 dimensions in space?
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What are all the known dimensions?

there are 5. 1-length/height 2-Width and length/height 3-length and height and volume 4-Space and length and height and volume 5-Time and Space and Length and width and volume

How are length area and volume related in terms of the three dimensions of space?

length refers to a linwhich is one dimensional. Area refers to a square which is two dimensional. Volume refers to a cube which is three dimensional. There is no fourth dimension. The zero dimension is a point with no mass.

Why is volume labeled with cubic units?

That is related to the fact that space has 3 dimensions.

Is volume anything that has mass and is occupies space?

Volume is a measure of the amount of space that an object occupies. It is a physical quantity that can be calculated by measuring the dimensions of an object (such as length, width, and height) or by using displacement methods for irregularly shaped objects. Mass, on the other hand, is a measure of the amount of matter an object contains, and although mass and volume are related, they are not interchangeable terms.

How do you find the volume of an ingot?

To find the volume of an ingot, you can measure its length, width, and height and then multiply these dimensions together. The formula for calculating volume is Volume = length x width x height. This will give you the total space that the ingot occupies.

What amount of space does an object occupies?

The amount of space an object occupies is its volume, measured in cubic units such as cubic meters or cubic feet. This volume is determined by the physical dimensions of the object, including its length, width, and height.

Why would cubic yards measure a volume of a pool?

A yard is a measure of length in 1-dimensional space and so has dimensions [L]. A cubic yard, therefore, has dimensions of [L3] which are the dimensions of volume in 3-dimensional space. Since it is a unit that measures volume, it could be used t measure the volume of a pool. However, nowadays, most people in the world would use cubic metres (or, possibly, litres).

What is spacial dimension?

Spacial dimensions are the dimensions in space such as length,height and depth.

How are length and volume?

Length is a one dimensional measure of space, volume is three dimensional measure of space.

What best describes volume?

Volume refers to the amount of space occupied by an object or substance in three dimensions (length, width, and height). It is typically measured in cubic units such as cubic meters or cubic centimeters.

How is the word 'space' defined?

Space is the enormous volume in which matter and energy are located and through which motion takes place. Space is observed to have three dimensions, which are length, width, and depth (or height). It is hypothesized that there may be more dimensions than the three that we observe in our daily lives. String theory gives space ten dimensions and M-theory gives it as many as eleven dimensions including that of time.

How much space in 3 dimensions an object occupies is a measure of the object's?
