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its ok if you still think about him in your dreams. but it means that you still like him. do you stilll like him, cuz if you do, see if he does too. he may be thinking or dreaming of you too. dont forget that

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Q: Having sweet dreams of an ex boyfriend?
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When was Sweet Dreams My LA Ex created?

Sweet Dreams My LA Ex was created on 2003-09-15.

Should you tell your girlfriend that im having dreams about your ex-boyfriend?

Yes because she well love you

What does it mean when your ex boyfriend dreams of having a baby with you?

It might mean that your ex boyfriend continues to have emotional attachments to you and that he longs to develop something new with you, like a relationship or a life together. However, dreams are not proof of true love, and they do not determine your destiny. You are free to make your own choices about this relationship regardless of your ex's dreams.

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you still love her

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I keep having a recurring dream of my ex boyfriend. we were together when i was at school for 13 months and he was my first love. he went to prision and rote me a letter saying we were over. i was gutted. I then met a really nice lad who i have now been with for nearly 18 months. for the past 6 months i keep having dreams about my ex boyfriend and in these dreams we are soo in love and things were like they used to be. I keep waking up thinking about my ex and its driving me mad. what does this mean ?

What does it mean to dream with your ex boyfriend very often?

It is normal to dream about what is on one's mind. So if there are lingering feelings for the ex boyfriend, the dreams are reflections of those feelings. The dreams do not reveal anything about the ex boyfriend's feelings.

What does it mean when you ex and boyfriend are in your dreams?

I've heard dreams are your subconscious trying to tell you something. Perhaps you still have feelings for your ex? Maybe a unresolved conflict? or just pure coincidence.

Boyfriend has dreams of his ex girlfriend?

still has feelings for her

Why am i having dreams about my boyfriends ex?

Maybe you're jealous of her? Did she and your boyfriend have something you two do not? Think about what she's doing in the dream and try to interpret it from there.

How do you choose between your boyfriend and ex When your boyfriend is nice and sweet but your ex has proven he has changed?

Spend time with both, then see who you really like

What does it mean when your boyfriend has a dreams his ex is being sexually permiscuous?

Your boyfriend's dream only reflects his own feelings about his ex; his dreams cannot provide any reliable information about his ex's thoughts, feelings or behavior. The fact that YOU are his girlfriend now suggests that he may have had suspicions about his ex before now.

Why do you keep having dreams about your ex boyfriend?

because he is always on your mind. it has been proved that the last thing you think about before you go too sleep is going to be in your dream!