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Q: Have anyone actually got possesed by lucid dreaming?
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Who was first to lucid dream?

Lucid dreaming existed since the cavemen, I know because ANYONE can lucid dream.

Is knowing you are dreaming but not being able to control your dream still lucid dreaming?

Yes, lucid dreaming simply refers to becoming "lucid" or aware that one is dreaming.

Lucid dreaming is?

When you are dreaming and are aware of it. (Apex)

When was Atlantis Lucid Dreaming created?

Atlantis Lucid Dreaming was created on 2005-09-06.

Can you die while lucid dreaming?

The simple answer to this is NO, absolutely not! Lucid dreaming is not at all dangerous. There have been many, many studies done on lucid dreaming and they all show it to be perfectly safe. However, if a plane crashed into your house while you were sleeping, or something like that, then yes, i suppose you could die while lucid dreaming. In other words, you can not die FROM lucid dreaming. However, like anything, you can die WHILE lucid dreaming.

What do Christians have to say about lucid dreaming?

Nothing different than any other person does. I'm a christian and into lucid dreaming.

Could you learn to play a song using lucid dreaming?

It is unlikely that you would be able to learn a new song from scratch with lucid dreaming. However, lucid dreaming can be great for practicing. If you have already learned a song and want to rehearse it in your lucid dream then this can help you to memorize it.

What is the difference between day dreaming and lucid dreams?

In a lucid drream you are aware you are dreaming and can take the dream where you want to go, or to someone you wish to see. When u day dream u are not actually aware of your dream state.

Is there anyone with lucid dreaming experience that can help me?

If you would like to lucid dream, you should start trying to remember your "normal" dream after you wake up. The purpose of this is: If you can't remember regular dreams, there isn't any way you'll be able to remember if you had a lucid dream. All lucid dreaming really is is being conscious of your surroundings while in a dream. If you can realize that you are in a dream while in your dream, you will become lucid. There are hundreds of different ways to learn to lucid dream. The most commonly used one is asking yourself throughout the day if you are in a dream. Chances are, if you do this in your dream out of habit, you will realize that you ARE dreaming, and become lucid.

Lucid dreaming Anime Is lucid dreaming anime possible Are the characters cartoony?

In lucid dreaming, anything you can imagine can become part of your lucid dream. Whether or not the characters are Anime or cartoony would be entirely up to you. However, lucid dreaming is not as easy as some websites and blogs claim. Like walking on your hands, it is not a natural thing, not everyone is able to do it, and when taken to extremes it can be harmful. Natural dreaming and normal sleep are necessary for both physical and mental health.

Is there a lucid dreaming technique that is guaranteed to work for beginners?

No, there is no "guaranteed" lucid dreaming technique. Much of the information circulating on the Internet about lucid dreaming is nonsense. Be particularly on guard against those who sell books or videos or charge fees for "guaranteed results."

How do you pick what you dream?

Lucid Dreaming, Wikipedia it