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Well they originally come from ancient folklore and mythology.

Answer 2:

There are only 2 places the origin of Vampires came from: Biblical story and/or Egyptian/Jewish story.

Both are totally linked. Enter Cain: Cain was the firstborn son of Adam and Eve. He was banished, with a mark, from the land of his parents because he killed his brother in a jealous rage.

10 What hast thou done? The voice of thy brother's blood crith unto me from the ground.

11 And now art thou cursed from the earth, which hath opened her mouth to receive thy brother's blood from thy hand;

12 When thou tillest the ground, it shall not henceforth yield unto thee her strength; a fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou be in the earth.

15 And the LORD said unto him, Therefore whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him seven fold. And the LORD set a mark on Cain, lest any finding him shall kill him.

Genesis 4:10-15 According to vampire legend, Cain wandered until he found Lilith by the Red Sea. She took him in and showed him the power of blood. (My religion teacher put it that the tree of life is represented in blood. Thus why Jewish persons staunchly drain all blood away from their meat before cooking and eating it. And thus why drinking blood/ being a vampire is such a big deal in a religious context.)

From Cain and Lilith came a host of demons and vampires in the vague myths. Cain is mentioned in The Bible as having a number of legitimate children, with an unnamed woman/ wife. Some of his children are even highly regarded, as they are listed with their inventions, such as the harp and metal working. But, past Gen. 4:26 there is no more mention of Cain's children or his line. Cain himself is referred to only twice more, in the New Testament, as "the prototype of the wicked man."

Technically according to these excerpts vampires were extracted from the beginning; Genesis, also with the mythological origin, when Cain met Lilith, Lilith was technically a powerful sea linked person, like the Phorcydes who were sea demons, a family from the sea, sea of blood technically, a place in the underworld.

From what there is presented in the Bible, there is little to go on with the myth of Cain and Lilith. Lilith herself appears only in Jewish apocrypha texts-- she is in neither the Torah or the Bible. But what is interesting is Cain-- and it might be inferred Lilith too-- appears in the epic poem Beowulf, and with much more mention than he ever receives in the Bible.

...Till the monster stirred, that demon, that fiend,

Grendel, who haunted the moors, the wild

Marshes, and made his home in a hell

Not hell but earth. He was spawned in that slime,

Conceived by a pair of those monsters born

Of Cain, murderous creatures banished

By God, punished forever for the crime

Of Abel's death. The Almighty drove

Those demons out, and their exile was bitter,

Shut away from men; they split

Into a thousand forms of evil-- spirits,

And fiends, goblins, monsters, and giants.

A brood forever opposing the Lord's

Will, and again and again defeated.

(Ll. 101-114)

And then as we read again Lilith from Beowulf is a demon, a sea demon, affiliated with the sea, and blood.

Thus, vampires came mostly from the bible and Jewish/Nordic/Greek mythologies, all linked mostly with the dark depth of the sea. All that Vlad the Impaler stuff is way way into the future. Vampires probably don't exist, but if they did they'd only be found in the extreme climate places of Europe, Iceland or Africa.

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15y ago

There are two kinds of vampires. First, there's the vampire bat. There really are vampire bats--three species, in fact. They live in Central and South America, eat nothing but blood, and they prey on either livestock or birds depending on the vampire species. They're a huge problem for farmers because they hunt in flocks, and will kill their prey by drinking all of an animal's blood. (Each bat only drinks a little blood, but if a thousand bats attack one can see where we're going here.) They don't suck blood. They make a bite in the prey animal, and lap up the blood. Vampires like Dracula? They are fictional, but they're based in part on a Romanian prince named Vlad Tepes, who ruled in the 16th Century. He's a conflicted soul...the Romanians think he's a national hero because he defeated the Ottoman Turks, but they use him as the bogeyman because he was a very vicious man. He executed a lot of people, and his favorite method was impalement--driving a stake through someone's heart.

^ that is a steriotypical answer. there are three types of vampires, vampire bats, dracula, and human vampires. I say human vampires because they are human beings yet vampires at the same time. they love the taste of blood, darkness, and some may like the suffering of others. not all of them (actually most of them) are not allergic to sunlight. they love night but are not allways nocturnal. they act like normal humans except they may have a tendency to play bite people or bite as a defense you could also say that that would be a characteristic of a werewolf.

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Were do vampires originally come from?

There are a lot of myths about vampires so it is unsure. They have migrated - in a way around the world. But I would say Transylvania as that is where most stories of vampires come from.

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That'd be "Vampires" by Dukes.

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nope,VAMPIREs r the undead NOT the dead!

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A vampire can come out anywere, but is more likely to come out were bats live becaus of the myth of vampires being able to turn into bats.

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Vampires rarely come out in daylight and can be found at most times during the night.

Are there any Vampires covens in the world?

nio vampier are not in the world only a bat Witches come in covens. Vampires come in clutches.

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What country do vampires come from?

in folklore they say vampires were first in Transylvania, Russia and italy

Where do the most vampires go and come from?

Your imagination. Vampires do not really exist. Sorry to disappoint you.