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The English word "God" usually refers to the personalaspect of the Supreme Deity, to whom one offers prayers and worship. The Sanskrit word Brahman is often translated as "the Absolute" and refers to the transcendental, nondual aspect of Ultimate Reality. Difficult if not impossible to conceptualize, one cannot form a relationship with Brahman, since relationship can only occur when there is duality: a lover and a Beloved, a worshiper and an object of worship. It is only through a personal form of God (such as Krishna or Jesus or God the Father or the Mother Goddess) that one can catch a glimpse of this transcendent Reality behind and beyond all deities. In Vedanta, Brahman is said to be identical with the innermost Self (atman) of human beings.

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Q: Find the difference between brahman and god?
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Brahman Brahman

What is the difference between brahman and Jesus?

Jesus is the Son of God and equal to God as the Jews testified in John 5.18. Therefore the Jews sought the more to kill him, because he not only had broken the sabbath, but said also that God was his Father, making himself equal with God. Some people say that brahman and some other names are the same as Jesus. But the Bible says: Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. (Acts.4.12. ) So the difference between these two is vast - the same difference that is between God and man.

Who is the god of Brahmanisn?

Brahman, an impersonal form of God.

How is brahman different from brahma?

THE SEVEN BASIC HINDU GODSThere are seven basic Hindu gods.They are,1. Indra - god of dreaming2. Shakti - god of illusion3. Brahma - god of creativity4. Vishnu - god of stabilization5. Shiva - god of determination6. Shani - god of status increase7. Yama - god of compulsionThe seven gods merge to form the supreme Hindu god Brahman.Gods in the direction 1-7 favor action and in the direction 7-1 favor thinking.Therefore, Brahman, like Vishnu, is a status quo maintaining god.DIFFERENCES BETWEEN BRAHMA AND BRAHMAN1. Brahma is just one of the seven gods that constitute Brahman2. Brahma has distinctive form. Brahman is formless.3. Brahma is a manual / voluntary god. Brahman is an automatic / involuntary god4. Brahma looks at differences. Brahman looks at similarities.5. Brahma brings about change / creativity. Brahman opposes change.6. Brahma is a transient god / force. Brahman is an eternal god.7. Brahma is masculine. Brahman is neuter.8. Brahma has a counterpart called Saraswati. Brahman exists in Saguna and Nirguna forms.9. Brahma is the god of data. Brahman is the god of knowledge.10. Brahma is the least efficient of the real world gods. Brahman is the most efficient.11. Brahma divides our life into independent activities. Brahman merges them into a single giant activity.12. Brahma is the easiest god to comprehend. Brahman is beyond the comprehension of any human being.13. Brahma is the antagonist of freedom. Brahman gives us unlimited freedom called Moksha.14. Brahma is analog. Brahman is digital.

In which religion is Brahman a god?


What is the main Hindu god?


The primary Hindu god?

The Brahman.

Who is God for the believers of Hindu?


What are facts about brahman?

One fact about Brahman is that he is a god in the Hindu religion. Another fact is that it is believed that Brahman is present everywhere, and in everything.

Why do Hindus worship?

they worship to the god because it is good Karma for them. they also worship to the god Brahman , because Brahman is in everything. they Belive that if they do not worship Brahman they will become a bung beetle in the next life!

What facts Brahman facts?

One fact about Brahman is that he is a god in the Hindu religion. Another fact is that it is believed that Brahman is present everywhere, and in everything.

Who is the keyfigure for Hinduism?

Probably the god Brahman?