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Only faith tells you what your fate is. I'm not religios, " at all" but, if you do hard drugs, your fate is sealed.... If you jump in front of a bus,

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Q: Fate rules the lives of people?
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What is the symbols in the monkey's paw?

It represent fate. The man made it so people can notice how fate rules lives.

How did Pearl Harbor change history?

it changed the world by changing the rules, like rules of engagement and changing the lives of japans people for the rest of their lives.

Does fate rule your lives?

Depends on what you believe.

Does fate control our lives?

Fate is a belief that events are predetermined and inevitable. It's a philosophical question that has been debated for centuries. Some people believe in fate, while others believe in free will and the ability to make choices that shape our lives. Ultimately, whether fate truly controls our lives is a matter of personal belief.

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Men with No Lives - 2010 Fate 4-28 was released on: USA: 7 April 2013

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Why does god not help people who suffer?

If god did exist then I believe he doesn't help anybody because everyone has a fate and it's up to people individually to do things in and about their lives. God has nothing to do with anything!

How long does a Scorpio lives?

as long as anybody else. let fate decide that

Are our lives governed by our choices more so than by some controlling fate in which we do not participate?

You have made the assumption that fate exists and controls life. Our choices control our lives. Sometimes we make poor decisions or discount information that we are given, but either way what we choose to do or not do determines how our lives are lived.

What does it mean the locus of control?

If you feel that you have control over your life, you have an internal locus of control. If, on the other hand, you feel that you are at the whims of fate, you have an external locus of control.

What is the meaning of the fate of the nation depends upon the education of the youth?

"The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world"

What are the rules of worship for all religions?

Seriously? Don't be daft, there are people who study theology and religion for their entire lives and they can't even answer this.