Pecos Bill, Paul Bunyon, Johnny Appleseed, Daniel Boone, Davy Crockett
the boy who cried wolf,Johnny Appleseed,Pecos Bill,Davy Crockett,Paul Bunyan,John Henry,Davy Crockett
And example of a tall tale would be like: If you get pinched you'll die. A tall tail is basically a lie that someone made up.
The noun tall is a word for a clothing size. The word tall is also an adjective, a word that describes a noun; for example, a tall tree or a tall tale.
Yes, "tall-tale" is a compound word, as it is made up of two words (tall + tale) that are combined to create a new word with a specific meaning.
Why is Paul Revere's Ride is a tall tale.
no it isnt it is a tall tale
Yes upon is correct in a tall tale
Yes because fairy tales are fiction and they aren't real. example- Cinderella's rags turned into a beautiful ball gown in the blink of an eye. That is a tall tale because you can not turn rags into a beautiful ball gown in the blink of an eye.
Paul Bunyon and Babe the Blue Ox Pecos Bill Brer Rabbit
A legend or fairy tale! :)
Tall Tale - 2012 was released on: USA: 2012 (limited)
No, it's a short tale
TAIL = TALE ( as in a 'tall tale' or story )