Tenet means a principle or an opinion.
This is not a prediction or an amusement, although it could be used in a
humorous context.
It's spelled "tenet": a principle, doctrine, or belief held as a truth, as by some group
If you mean "prediction gov", it is the official government weather prediction website.
what does principle to robbery mean?
the foretelling or prediction of what is to come.
A prediction is the strong belief that something will happen. It is said to be a true prediction if the event happens. Before the event takes place, you would have to ask the prophet/psychic making the prediction what it means. After the event, or after the prediction is proven false, you can see for yourself what it means.
Prediction-what you anticipate will happen in the future.
make a guess about what will happen
It means that your prediction was accurate.
a parade or they are in a large group
to praise or hold dear
Ritual respect means a superficial show of respect, expressed in a ritual manner, such as bowing the head, kneeling down, etc. usually shown by a subject to his sovereign or by a defendant in court.
No. A ritual is a traditional series of actions or words for a given event. Disregard means to ignore or not take into account something or someone.