Pisces is 19th February until the 20th March
its pisces
The astrological sign for February 29th is Pisces.
its pisces
Yes, you're on the cusp of Pisces. The month of Pisces begins February 19.
The date of the astrological sign Pisces is on February 19 - March 20.
Aquarius January 20 - February 18 pisces February 19 - March 20
If you were born between February 19 and March 20
If your birthday falls on February 20, your zodiac sign is Pisces. Pisces is the astrological sign that covers dates from February 19 to March 20.
Born February 19, 1998, you would have been born under the sign of Pisces.
No, Pisces lasts from February 19 to March 20. December 25 would be Capricorn.
Born February 19, 1998, you would have been born under the sign of Pisces.