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Absolutley not. Aries go well with Sagittarius and Leo, and plus they are the type of people who are a bit selfish and stubborn in nature. Cancer get along with Pisces and Scorpio, and they are the kind of people who tend to be caring, protective, loving, and mostly the opposite of Aries.

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Q: Does Aries and cancer get on?
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What would be the worst couple for an Aries?

Worst Match For Aries is Cancer. Hardly a matchmade in heaven Aries and Cancer tend to clash.

Are Cancer and Aries compatibile?

Sometimes. My grandmother was a Cancer and my grandfather was an Aries - they made 65 years!

Are Cancer and Aries compatible?

No not at all. Aries is compatible with Gemini.

Are cancer women and Aries men compatible?

It is rare for Aries and Cancer sun signs to get together romantically. Aries thinks with their heads, Cancer's with their hearts. But, there are always exceptions to this. The Aries and Cancer relationship is found between co-workers, neighbors and non-sexual relationships. Aries-Cancer Relationship Strengths Aries and Cancer are in touch with their emotions. Each has their own way of succeeding, and those different approaches affects their relationship. Cancer wants security, including a savings account and a roof over their head. They worry that Aries plans for the future is going to deplete their savings and land them in the street. Aries teaches Cancer how to be more self assured and communicate more, instead of withdrawing, when things don't go as planned. Cancer show Aries how to be more sensitive to people's feelings and needs.

Does a cancer and Aries go together?

Aries and Cancer are not great together, however they can make their relationship work. Aries and Cancer are definitely sexually compatible, seeing in each other the ideal sexual characteristics they seek in a mate. Eventually though the Aries comes off as brash, insensitive or volatile to the cancer; while the latter may be too sensitive and moody to the Aries.

Who is Aries soul mate?

taurus,well google says!

Is a Aries boy and Aries girl compatible?

CANCER-ARIES : Compatibility horoscope Cancer foresees a sharp contrast between an adventurous nature of Aries and a more traditional behavior of Cancer. But a strong sexual desire is most probable in the beginning. However, Aries may provoke a dark jealousy of Cancer. And Cancer is likely to get hurt by a loose tongue of Aries. At the same time Aries can’t stand proprietor inclinations of Cancer. The relationship is going to be hard and marriage is unhappy.

What zodiac sign is a love connection with cancer?


What signs are compatible with Cancer?

anyone or ask them

Are Aries men compatible with Cancer women?

LOVE INSIGHT For Aries, it's all about action, chemistry, and energy. If you have a connection, you'll know it immediately. If not, don't expect love to grow. Aries are either into you in a big way or not at all! To win their affections, love through your heart, connect with your eyes, and don't be overly sensitive. Aries - Cancer : Mind, body, soul, connection. It dose not mater ether you like them or you don't

Are aires and cancer compatible?

NO NO No. Cancer is way to imposing for the free spirit of aries. THese 2 will never understand one another. Cancer is also weay to nostalgic for aries...who prefers new things new experiencews and meeting new faces

What signs do Leos go with?

Leo's are compatible with fellow Leo's, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aries, Gemini & Cancer. And they are PERRFECT! WITH AQUARIUS.