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Q: Do you think Taurus or Sagittarius is a best match for Libra women?
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Who is compatible with Libra?

Libra is MOST compatible with Gemini, Aquarius, and sometimes Libra itself I think Libra also has good friendship compatibility with Leo and Sagittarius.

Does Aphrodite have a Zodiac sign?

Yes she represents Taurus and I think libra

What sign is compatible with an aquarious female?

An Aquarius female is most compatible with Gemini, Libra, and Sagittarius. Gemini shares her intellectual interests, Libra offers balance and harmony in the relationship, and Sagittarius shares her adventurous spirit.

What zodiac sign is a good match for a Leo?

The zodiac signs that are the best match for a Leo are an Aries and Sagittarius.

Who is campatible with Sagittarius?

Leo, Aries, Libra, Aquarius...Gemini is your polar opposite on the zodiac but sometimes opposites attract.

Are Libra and taurus compatible?

A Libra and a Taurus can be both compatible and non compatible. The two signs don't like to talk about things and let problems build which caused friction between the two. If you are with strong people who are confident then the relationship can work.

How compatible is a Gemini woman and a Virgo- Libra cusp man?

Well I'm sure the slight Gemini ting in the female Taurus won't bother a male Taurus. They'll get along just fine, the both like the comforts of home, they like collecting beautiful things and are both good with money. Not the most exiting match, but a match none the less.

How do you beat superscribblenauts 9-3?

Put in Star signs. There's PISCES (stars), VIRGO (stars), ARIES (stars), CANCER (stars), SAGITTARIUS (stars), LIBRA (stars), GEMINI (stars), LEO (stars), SCORPIO (stars), CAPRICORN (stars), AQUARIUS (stars), and TAURUS (stars). I think that's all the Star signs. Good luck!

What is the most compatible astrological sign for a Scorpio male?

Sagittarius November - December 21Most Compatible: Aries and LeoSomewhat: Capricorn, Aquarius, Libra and ScorpioLeast: Pisces - too introvertedGemini - scattered, lacks depthVirgo - narrow-minded, fussyNeutral: Taurus and Cancer

From Inuyash You think Kagome is a Libra or Virgo?

to me i think she strong and kind person and she not libra or virgo

Who best matches an Aquarius?

Always excepting the superstitious and unproven beliefs of some people that think astrology is a real science, people are individuals and cannot be catergorised by what particular date they were born.

Is a Leo compatible with another Leo?

Generally speaking, Leo's have harmonious relationships with: Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aries, Gemini, Cancer & other Leos. They have difficult relationships with Scorpio, Aquarius & Taurus, and the have turbulent relationships with Capricorn & Pisces.