

Best Answer

According to the best-selling book, Psychic Counseling (Harper-Collins)by Liz Hodgkinson, those people who are believed to be gifted or to have "second sight" usually have strong premonitions about something which is about to happen, whether good or bad. Similarly, in her book Mediumship Made Simple, Ivy Northage says that you are undoubtedly psychic if you dream prophetically, have hunches, see bright lights flashing across a book you are reading, have premonitions and/or hear voices. So your bad feeling or a shiver down your spine could mean that you have second sight. It could also mean that you are very aware of your surroundings and can quickly spot or tell if something isn't right. Not to poke fun at the subject, but a shiver down your spine could also be your body alerting you that you are cold. It will be up to you to decide which of the following most accurately describes your situation.

Maybe Something Else

It doesn't sound like psychic abilities, but it does sound like weak Empathy- not quite developed, you get something of a person's aura just by looking through them. When I say 'through' them, I don't mean literally. You're not looking at appearances, you're looking at the soul. When fully developed, you can feel and think everything the other feels and thinks. You're privileged. : )


(Note: In the below answer the experiences accounted for - such as the movie coming on, and the money being received are ones which portray the concept of "serendipity.")

I think all animals have probability of psychic abilities, but most of us (humans) dont tune into them.

I personally have had small insignificant prophetic dreams. I have also had the bad feeling many times, a sense of something just wrong and I feel terrible, it only lasted from a few seconds to a minute or 2.

I never knew and dont pretend to know what it is, so I do think the above posters thoughts are definitely a possibility, but I did always connect it to something psychic or spiritual.

I've also thought about something then noticed it the same or next day, (ie a movie I thought of, and it was actually on that night, (and no I hadn't read a tv guide or anything like that) thought of songs on the radio not on for years then its on, etc.

I think humans are capable of many things but dont usually take the time, or have the time and certainly I think our lives today make it difficult for people to tune into that part of us but I think it is certainly definitely there.


Agreeing mostly with answers above. Every human has psychic abilities, it is matter of exploring and concentrating upon them. Often modern human tries to rationalizes everything and believe what s/he can perceive by five senses. But sixth sense does exist but it cannot be explained to others. Just like you can show a picture of a orange to show how a orange looks like who has never seen an orange, but you cannot explain the taste of orange who has never tasted anything sour-orange like.

Psychic abilities can be achieved/improved like other activities. And it is not always bad feelings you get with psychic ability you can have good and joyful experiences too.

Psychic information comes to us in a variety of ways usually divided into 4 categories of extrasensory perception Intuition(empaths)-information through feeling "gut feelings", Clairvoyaince(clear seeing)-sight related info, visions and seeing auras for example, Clairaudience (clear hearing)-information that comes to you in words ranging from thought that sounds almost identical to your normal thoughts to messages you hear as a voice, and Clairsentience information you suddenly know without any idea how you know. Everyone has a little of each of these abilities and can with training improve them. Most people are strongest in one or two of the four, what sense comes most naturally to you is different for everyone. The more you pay attention to any extrasensory information and listen to it, the more you exercise that skill, the more often you will experience it and understand it.

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Q: Do you have psychic abilities if you get a shiver down your spine and get a bad feeling?
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