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They don't bite peop, but they bite people.

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Q: Do tortoises bite peop
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Do ants bite desert tortoises?

Yes, ants do bite desert tortoises and baby desert tortoises are in the most danger. If you keep tortoises outside, it is important to make sure ants cannot get to them.

How do you care for a tortoise bite?

you don't need to care for a bite because it is normally like a little paper cut but algergater tortoises will bite your finger LITERLY

Do tortoises has the strongest bite?

No, there is other animals with stronger bite forces but the alligator snapping turtle is in the list of the top 20 strongest bite forces, the animal with the most powerful bite is the saltwater crocodile

What animal are the galapagos famous for?

the galapagos is famous for its tortoises and its Komoto dragon. The dragon has poisonous skin and so is its bite. its one of the only animals that none of the body parts can be used for anything. The tortoises are famous because of their size.

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What do tortoises drink?

Tortoises drink water.

Can you get tortoises for cheap?

no tortoises are veryy exspensive

Do turtles and tortoises have the same DNA?

Turtles and Tortoises have highly similar DNA, as tortoises are a subgroup of turtles.

Are desert tortoises nocturnal?

No, desert tortoises are diurnal.

What langua do the peop le in Scotland speck?

English and in some cases Gaelic

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