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Some people do have this feeling, others do not. When someone gets the feeling, they usually get it from the following reasons, they either are scared, having too much fun, or are seeing something like a celebrity or a weird sight.

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Q: Do some people feel like they are in a dream sometimes but they actually aren't?
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Do you dream about the people you love?

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Dreams what do they actually mean?

it actually depends on wat the dream was about. Sometimes dreams are about wat u think about or sometimes even a brief " picture" on something that's going to happen. did u know the average dream lasts only 2-3 seconds!

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rem stand for rapid eye movement if you miss out on this sleep you become cranky and sometimes even see things that arent there it is the time in your sleep when you dream even if you don't remember it

What does it mean to dream that you are with the guy you like but you arent with him in real life?

This is a wish-fulfillment dream in which the dreamer's mind provides a much longed-for experience in the safety of sleep.

Where is The Dream from?

sometimes your dream is from bloody or scary movies. and from your imagine.......................or is it

Can dream effects human behavior?

I think so. Sometimes, having a bad dream can make you feel skiddish the next day. Or having a funny dream makes people feel in a brighter mood the next day sometimes. Also, some people say that the full moon has an effect on human and animal behavior. I hope this answers your question! ;)

To sing at the Super Bowl is a dream of mines?

Many people dream of singing at the Super Bowl. This is the type of dream that can actually come true. If you are a singer and work hard, you may someday get the opportunity to sing at the Super Bowl.

How do you know that your dreams is not the reality?

there is no definite way to tell that your dream is not realityor that when you think you are awake that you really arent asleepSometimes people confuse old memories with dreams they had.It be even impossible to tell if reality you live in is real reality and not something your brain created.People that are insane create their own realities and they arent aware of it.How could you be aware that you yourself arent insaneit would not be possible if you were

What is a luicid dream?

a lucid dream is when your aware that your dreaming and sometimes you can control it

What does it mean to dream in antique colors like an old picture or something like how some people dream in black and white?

It means that you actually had something like that in the past...

Why can't I recognise the people in my dream?

because when are sleep your vision is blurred.

Why do you sometimes feel like you're jumping off a cliff in your dream and then jolt awake?

because the stuff your mind generates is actually sort of like a virtual world. sometimes when your mind dreams stuff it affects what happens in your REAL life, which is why people have wet dreams. You jump because if you dream your falling off a cliff, your brain senses it and wakes you up, because if you hit the ground, your mind actually senses that and damage could come to you.