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Yes people think they exist, but they don't they are just a myth

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Q: Do people think mermaids exist
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How do you turn into a mermaid with powers only when water touches you?

Mermaids are not real and people can not be made into a mermaid. It is all make believe and there is no such thing as magic.

Was Eva a mermaid in real life?

No. There are no people who are mermaids in real life. They do not exist and are make believe. People can not change into mermaids.

Can you turn into a real mermaid by using a spell?

No. Mermaids are not real and are only from myth and legend. They do not exist. Spells to turn people into other things do not exist and people can not change into mermaids.

Is it most likely that mermaids exist?

No. It is certain that mermaids do not exist.

Can some one be a REAL Mermaid?

No. Mermaids are not real and people can't become mermaids. Mermaids are from myths and stories and do NOT exist in real life.

Do Mermaids Exist in real life?

No. Mermaids are purely fictitious creatures possibly inspired by early sightings of manatees.

Why do people say mermaids don't exist?

Because they don't exist. Not a single scrap of "evidence" of mermaids has stood up to scientific scrutiny, and a basic understanding of evolutionary history shows that mermaids are biologically impossible.

What is a mermaid spell?

There are no spells to turn people into mermaids. Mermaids are not real and only exist in stories, film, and games. People can not become other things or mermaids. It is all make believe.

How do you become a mermaid like h2o but not on a full moon?

You can't. These are people in costume and not real mermaids. Mermaids don't exist and are not real. People can not change into mermaids. It is all make believe.

Why do people not believe in mermaids?

people don't believe in mermaids because is history no mermaids are true any more but if you believe in mermaids then is ok you don't have to be sad if they say ha ha do you think mermaids are true it is defently fine is what you think after all

Are mermaids live?

No. Mermaids do not exist and never did.

Do people have signs that they are mermaids?

In real life, no, because mermaids don't exist. Otherwise it depends on what fictional world they are depicted in.