

Best Answer

It can depend on the mythological account, but usually no.

i've never seen peter or meg breath fire babe

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Q: Do griffins breathe fire
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Can you breathe on fire?

Yes you can breathe on fire.

How do pandas breathe fire?

Through their nostrils.

What are common imaginary animals?

unicorns, fire breathing dragons, phoenix, griffins, mermaids, and on and on.

Are there any real animals in the world that can breathe fire?

No. Nothing can breathe fire.

Do dragons breathe fire through their nose?

No, they breathe fire through their mouth.

How can platypuses breathe fire?

Platypuses do not breathe fire. They are normal, air-breathing mammals.

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How do fire breathing dragons breath fire?

What do male Griffins have that female Griffins do not?

Spikes of gold

Are griffins in The Bible?

Griffins are never referred to in the Bible .

Can my mom breathe fire?

No that is no possible

Can phoenixes breathe fire?

yes they can

Can some dragons not breath fire?

Most dragons do breathe fire, but only aquatic dragons do not Not necessarily. Some dragons might be capable of spitting venom or injecting venom, and some may breathe poisonous gas, but not all non-aquatic dragons can breathe fire. Also, some amphibious dragons can breathe fire.