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Not just nasty people...Sometimes spirits or "ghosts" haunt people because they have a certain connection, i.e. the home, a certain person, a certain object, etc. Sometimes the connection is never apparent, so it seems as though the spirit came from nowhere. But no...not just nasty people...or people with nasty dispositions.

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Do ghost haunt people or houses?

Its starts out as ghost haunting houses, then when you move into them they begin to haunt you instead of the house, so if you move after the ghost has been attatched to you the ghost will follow you and whom ever you are with to your new house. So ghost haunt both the begin haunt houses then once someone moves into the house the ghost begins to haunt the people that live there and now the ghost will floow them everywhere they go.

Where do ghost haunt people?

in a haunted house

Why do ghost get attached to people?

because they haunt

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They believed that when you die you would be a ghost and haunt people forever.

Why do ghost want to haunt people?

they don't people just Say that because they want to scare people.

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You haunt something by coming back from the dead as a ghost and annoying them. As a ghost is an ephemeral being speed cannot be used to avoid it.

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A ghost may haunt a beach because it is where they died. They may also haunt the beach because the beach hold special memories.

Why do spirits haunt people?

The spirts do not haunt people but the ghost (Devils) They live in dirty places like washrooms and the places where sins are done like bars etc.

Do ghosts haunt people?

People can encounter Spiritual (Ghost) activity, but these Poltergeists cannot interact with the World.

Why did the ghost haunt the king To be a knight-mare explain joke?

The ghost haunted the king to be a knight-mare because it's a play on words. "Knight-mare" is a pun on the word "nightmare," implying that the ghost's intention was to give the king bad dreams or haunt him during the night.

Is it true that a ghost can haunt you?

no. ghosts cannot haunt you because they don't exist!

Do ghost haunt where they die?
