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It is possible but depends on location. Certain people are able to lucid dream at will, without any anomalies...

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Who can have lucid dreams?

Absolutely anyone. Although, it does come more naturally to some people than others. Some people have them throughout their lives. I had to work really hard at it, but BOY was the effort worth it! I've had some incredible experiences in my lucid dreams. And even my non-lucid dreams have become FAR more vivid and interesting since I started learning to lucid dream. Just give it a try, and don't give up! You can do it! There are even aids you can get to help you achieve a lucid dream if you're struggling.

Is it possible to know you're in a dream?

it means you're very smart because if you Dream while you know your in it, it's a proven fact because the brain still works when you're asleep but the rest of the body doesn't, or you get many dreams that you're so used to it you kind of feel like you're in your imagination... The phenomenon of realizing you are in a dream while dreaming is called "lucid dreaming." It does not "mean" anything in particular, other than the conscious mind has become active during the dream without fully awakening.

Can marijuana give you a brain tumor?

No, marijuana has actually been proven to suppress the growth of tumors

Does Chinese food make you have crazy dreams?

Chinese food does not give you crazy dreams. Dreams are a continuation of what your brain has been thinking about throughout the day.

Is it possible that after you have a lucid dream of being parlyzed that when you wake up you become paralyzed for life?

Lucid dreams are just dreams. They are enjoyable but they are not prophetic visions. You might wake up paralyzed after having such a dream, but the dream will have nothing to do with it. By the way, the feeling of paralysis upon awakening is common, and if there is a sense of being in a dream-like state even as you awaken, it is called a hypnopompic experience. The brain is just in the process of 'booting up' the systems that give executive control back to the conscious mind. Muscle control may not be up and running for a few moments, but it will come.

What is an example of a sentence containing lucid?

Even though the incident was very frightening for the boy, he was able to give a lucid description to the officer.

Does cold air promote dreams?

for some it might, I get dreams with cool air, but its different with all people, some people claim to get dreams by drinking apple juice with ice cubes in it, its common knowledge that eating curry or spicy food before bed can promote dreams, in fact there are heaps of foods that claim to "give very vivid lucid dreams" , I don't know if cooler air promotes dreams but I find it very refreshing in the morning hope this helped

Can dogs give you tumors?

No, that's not possible. Thanks!

Why does a cold draft give you bad dreams?

Dreams correlate with the idea that our subconscious is influenced by the events that take place around us. Because the sensation of cold in the human body causes the Di Flagurates to send chemical signals to the brain, the cold chemicals eventually fall to the bottom. As it turns out, the subconscious is also located in the southern region of the brain. This combination of Di Flagurates and the subconscious causes the brain to form a new chemical, Morrs Feldius, which is commonly associated with bad dreams.

What diseases can wrist cutting give you?

Wrist cutting is known to give you Syphilis, Hepatitis type B, HIV/AIDS, Swine and Bird flu, Chronic nausea, Cold, Runny nose, Brain and liver tumors, blue balls, cold feet and death.

When was Give Me the Brain created?

Give Me the Brain was created in 1996.

What actors and actresses appeared in Give Dreams - 2011?

The cast of Give Dreams - 2011 includes: Maria Menounos as Narrator